2019 - 2020
Embracing My Community
This happy stage begins when my friend Piguan (@piguan_art), a great urban artist, invites me to participate in an urban art collective created in 2018: R3SP3CT. They say that it is important for an artist not to be alone, to share with his peers and to be part of a community. It's so true! The solitude of my workshop inspires my work, but the company of my peers and their enthusiasm inspire my creativity.
Thanks to R3SP3CT (visit www.r3spectchile.cl and his instagram @r3sp3ctchile )! In an art collective the exhibitions are collective, collaborative and very varied. Here are some of the paintings created by me at this stage.
I do not want to fail to mention that in 2019 I began to explore ceramic sculpture in Gres, in the Huara Huara workshop. Thanks to Ruth Krauskopf and my colleagues in the workshop!