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Karin Helmlinger Casanova
Visual Artist

As a visual artist, I am a dynamic and eclectic creator who is always exploring new techniques, materials, and mediums.


Whether working with watercolor, acrylic, oil painting, drawing, urban art materials, ceramics, or mixed media, I am constantly pushing the boundaries of what is possible to convey powerful emotions and connections through my work.


In addition to my artistic career, I am also an experienced teacher and lead workshops focused on individual and community creativity.


I take pride in being part of the urban art collectives Plaza de Colores (@plaza_decolores) and R3SP3CT (, as well as the gres ceramic collective Ceramistas Litoral (@ceramistalitoral). These affiliations allow me to connect with other passionate artists and continue to grow and evolve as a creator.


I am excited to explore new opportunities and collaborations with artists, galleries, individuals and organizations that share my commitment to innovation, creativity, and the transformative power of art.



With over fifteen years of freelance painting practice, she has studied a Diploma in General Arts at the Catholic University in 1997 and since then she participated in several specialized courses in drawing, painting, sculpture, and printmaking, taught by Ignacio Villegas, Alejandra Bendel, Arturo Hevia, Juan Bustamante, Juan Mayor, Hernán Miranda, and Felipe Cusicanqui. In 1998, she worked in the printmaking workshop at the Museum of Solidarity under the guidance of Professor Gonzalo Bustamante.

In September 2017, the 86th issue of Arte Al Límite magazine featured an article about the artist and her work titled "A Window to the Origin" [link:].

In 2019, she made a shift in her artistic activities by joining the urban art collective R3SP3CT ( @r3sp3ctchile), fully immersing herself in the Chilean urban art scene.

Also in 2019, she began exploring sculpture through gres ceramics at the Huara-Huara Workshop. In 2021, she joined the Ceramics and Porcelain Workshop in Algarrobo (@gresyporcelana), and in 2022, she became a member of the Ceramistas Litoral collective (@ceramistaslitoral).

In 2022, she co-founded the Community Muralism Collective Plaza de Colores (@plaza_decolores) with artist José Miguel Mella (Bsai). Through this collective, she has undertaken numerous collective mural projects in Santiago and the V Region.

Alongside her ongoing artistic creation, teaching in the fields of communication, relationships, and creativity, as well as community muralism, have become her main artistic activities today.

Video about the Artist
Video about the Artist in Tunquen TV
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